Success Stories
Capital Markets
MSC International Law Office

Unleash the Power
Capital Market
We provide legal advice to clients in the preparation of offering circulars, prospectuses, registration statements and various reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). In addition to conducting legal due diligence, preparing and advising on underwriting agreements, and other documents related to capital markets and securities transactions, we also advise on corporate actions regulated by the SEC and SET, such as conflict of interest transactions and material transactions.
If I want to list my company on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, what should I do?
Listing a company on the Stock Exchange of Thailand is not as easy as many people think. It requires going through a rigorous audit process, including an internal control system (IA) audit, an audit by a certified public accountant, and the appointment of a financial advisor, all of which must be certified by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In addition, legal advisors are required to help with the various procedures to comply with the requirements.