MSC Advised ''Doppio Tech''
MSC International Law Office serves as a legal counsel of Doppio Tech Co., Ltd. for the Investment in Doppio Tech Co., Ltd. by Finnoventure Private Equity Trust I by issuing and allocating 16,000 newly-issued preferred shares with a par value of THB 10.00 per share to Finnoventure Private Equity Trust I. The Transaction is valued at THB 40 million (approximately USD 1.09 million).
MSC’s services included advising the client on concerned corporate and commercial issues, together with assisting the client in negotiating, reviewing and revising the Term Sheet, Share Subscription Agreement and Shareholders Agreement, as well as preparing closing documents to fulfill the conditions precedent prior to the Closing.
Doppio Tech Co., Ltd. is a limited company which provide information technology services such as QA outsourcing, QA as a Service, Performance test, Test Automation and Test Environment management and also provide services relating to Dev Ops area such as Realtime Production monitoring and CI/CD implementation.